There are many types of damages sustained by close family members that can be recovered in Massachusetts wrongful death cases. Monetary damages are designed to compensate family members for their losses caused by the death of their loved one.
Loss of Companionship. This covers the mental pain and suffering endured by the surviving family members, as well as the loss of support and the emotional relationship between the beneficiaries and the decedent.
Direct Expenses. These damages include medical bills, along with funeral and burial costs.
Loss of Future Earnings. This includes the collective wages the decedent would have earned over the course of his or her lifetime if he or she had not suffered a Massachusetts wrongful death.
Loss of Benefits. These damages cover the pension and retirement benefits the decedent would have received if he or she had lived.
Interest. The beneficiaries may also be entitled to recover interest on the damages they receive from the time of the filing of the lawsuit up to the time the damages are collected.
Punitive Damages. This is the amount of extra damages for which the wrongdoer may be liable that serve as a punishment for his or her cruelty. In order to receive punitive damages, the plaintiff must show that the defendant’s wrongful actions were intentional, malicious, wanton or grossly negligent.
It is difficult to calculate damages in a Massachusetts wrongful death suit. However, there are a number of factors that are considered when trying to apportion a dollar amount to a wrongful death claim. These factors include:
The plaintiff’s degree of dependence on the decedent
The nature of the relationship between the plaintiff and the decedent
The expected life span of the decedent
The prospective lifetime earnings and benefits of the decedent
Comparative fault, namely the shared responsibility for the Massachusetts wrongful death between the defendant and the decedent
Call our team of Boston wrongful death attorneys today at 617-787-3700 or email us at The highly skilled Boston personal injury dog attack attorneys and Boston wrongful death dog bite lawyers at the Boston, MA dog bite Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates have many years of experience serving as allies and advocates for the families of Massachusetts wrongful death victims. Our Boston, Massachusetts dog bite wrongful death injury lawyers have a long track record of success dealing with all types of Massachusetts wrongful death cases. We can help you obtain the monetary compensation you deserve for the loss of your loved one so that you can have the financial security you need to pay your bills and begin to move on with your life.
The Boston, Massachusetts Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates is a team of Boston, MA lawyers from some of the best law firms in Massachusetts, including expert Massachusetts dog bite injury wrongful death lawyers, who have been personally selected by Attorney Hoy because of their skill, experience and expertise. Many of the Boston, MA dog attack wrongful death attorneys who are available to our Massachusetts clients through referral agreements have been repeatedly selected and recognized as among the very best wrongful death lawyers in Massachusetts and, indeed, the United States.