Our Boston personal injury law office is an expert team of personal injury attorneys with many years of experience and a history of substantial monetary recoveries for our clients. Our Boston injury lawyers have a well-deserved record and reputation for achieving outstanding results. Our Massachusetts dog bite attorneys will work with great skill and use our extensive experience to ensure that you receive just and fair compensation for your injuries. We want to help you. Please call 617-787-3700, 24/7, or email info@gilhoylaw.com for your free and confidential consultation.
On the night of May 24, 2014, Major Shea Smith and Deputy Matt Lovelace of the Greenville County, South Carolina Sheriff’s Department were dispatched to Goodrich Street in Greenville, South Carolina. Accompanying Deputy Lovelace, in the back of his cruiser, was the Sheriff Department’s K-9 Unit, Enzo.
According to the two officers, there had also been reports of shots fired in the area. It was just before midnight, and a crowd of roughly 100 teens had gathered at a house on Goodrich Street. After instructing all of the partygoers to disperse, the two officers separated and began a search of the perimeter of the area to ensure that everyone had left.
When Deputy Lovelace drove to the back of the house, he reached a small parking lot that was attached to the Hollis Academy next door. Ten teenagers were there talking and drinking. The Deputy informed them that they had 10 minutes to leave the premises. When he returned after the 10 minute period, the teens were still there. As the officer opened his door and approached the teens, Enzo somehow escaped out of the window of the cruiser. Out of fright, the teens scattered and began running away from the German Shepard.
According to Major Smith, Lovelace had ordered Enzo to “heel.” And although he did heel momentarily, he continued to chase the teens. He eventually caught up with one 15-year-old and bit him in the buttocks. The teenager was brought to the hospital and treated for lacerations on his buttocks. He was released a day later.
The family of the victim has a filed a lawsuit naming the Sheriff’s Office and Greenville County as defendants. The lawsuit seeks damages for medical costs, loss of income, general damages for pain and suffering, physical disfigurement, other intangible losses, loss of time from school and future loss of earnings.
If you or a loved one has suffered dog bite injuries, please contact our highly reputable team of attorneys at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates in Boston. We have accrued decades of experience, and have helped our clients acquire millions of dollars in monetary damages. Dog attacks are dangerous, and can severely hinder a person’s ability to carry on living a normal life. Don’t delay! Contact us today to discuss your potential claim in a free and confidential consultation at 617-787-3700. Your needs are our priority!