An 8 year-old pit bull named Lilly was severely injured recently while pulling her unconscious owner off of the railroad tracks in Shirley, MA. Lilly was adopted several years ago by a Boston, MA police officer to aid his mother, who is Lilly’s current owner and the woman who had collapsed on the railroad tracks.
Lilly’s heroic efforts saved her owner from any harm. But Lilly herself required several surgeries, including a leg amputation, as a result of injuries sustained during the heroic rescue. Lilly is expected to recover from her injuries, other than the missing leg.
If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a Massachusetts dog attack or a Massachusetts train wreck, please don’t hesitate to call our Boston, MA dog bite lawyer professionals and Boston, MA train accident lawyer specialists at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates 24/7 at 617-787-3700. Our Massachusetts train wreck attorney advocates and Boston dog attack lawyer professionals are some of the most highly regarded in the Commonwealth, and have a national reputation for getting our clients some of the highest personal injury damages awards for their Massachusetts personal injuries.
Please call our Boston, MA law firm today at 617-787-3700 or email our Boston, MA lawyer experts at
Your needs are our top priority!