A German Shepherd named “Bear,” of Los Angeles, California, recently received the 30th National Hero Dog award from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Los Angeles. Bear, whose owner, Debbie Zeisler, took him from a Texas animal shelter when nobody else wanted him, has rescued Zeisler from danger multiple times since she first acquired him. Zeisler has been suffering from seizures for the past 18 years, and while Bear has never had any training in recognizing seizures, he learned on his own how to recognize them.
On one occasion in May, 2011, Zeisler fell down her steps and lost consciousness in her front yard. Bear ran around the neighborhood frantically looking for help, but to no avail. But an animal control officer saw the dog and went over to help, whereupon Bear led the officer to his unconscious owner. Help soon arrived. Since the accident, Bear has taken to leaning on Zeisler’s knees when he senses a pending seizure, which alerts Zeisler that she should sit down and avoid sustaining any personal injuries.
If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a Massachusetts dog attack, don’t hesitate. Call our Boston personal injury lawyer professionals and Boston, MA dog bite lawyer specialists at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates 24/7 at 617-787-3700 or email our Boston, MA law firm at gilhoylaw@hotmail.com. Our nationally recognized Boston, MA personal injury lawyer professionals are highly regarded for their ability to get some of the largest personal injury damages awards for our clients, and our Boston, MA lawyer professionals will fight 24/7 to get you the full and fair money damages that you deserve. Call today at 617-787-3700. Your needs are our top priority!