The victims of dog bite attacks are often left confused and unsure of what to do next or how to begin to recover from their physical and emotional injuries. The biggest question after a dog attack is trying to figure out who is going to pay for the medical bills and itherdamages. Homeowner’s insurance policies generally cover liability for dog attack bodily injury claims; but if the dog owner does not have homeowner’s insurance, it may be difficult to recover compensation. Our Boston, MA dog bite attorney experts here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates are a team of nationally recognized personal injury lawyers. We have worked diligently to help our Commonwealth clients recover millions of dollars in compensation.
A man (who wished to remain anonymous) was attacked by two boerbulls in Belvedere, South Africa earlier last week and is fighting for his life. The man is in his seventies and was dropping off clothes at a dressmaker in Saunders Circle at 11am when the incident happened. The victim alleges that when the dressmaker opened the gate, the dogs attacked him. He sustained injuries to both his body and face. The victim remains in critical condition and has been transferred from the Netcare Alberlito Hospital in Balitto, South Africa to the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital. He had a four-hour operation to repair his face.
Paramedics arrived at the scene and found that the elderly man had sustained life-threatening injuries. The dogs had dragged the man to the ground by the arm and continued to rip the flesh off the man’s face. The Netcare emergency care practitioners and team worked tirelessly to stabilize the man’s condition. After he was placed on a ventilator, they transported him to a specialized hospital in Durban, South Africa.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a dog attack, please contact one of our Boston, MA dog bite lawyer experts today. Please do not hesitate, contact us 24/7 by phone at 617-787- 3700 for a free case evaluation where we can assess the value of your Massachusetts dog bite claim or email us at