Seven Children Suffer Injuries After Stray Dog Manages To Get Inside Elementary School.

While dog bite victims may suffer physical injuries from an attack, they may also suffer emotional injuries. Mental and emotional damages are frequent, as a result of being attacked by a dog. These injuries may not all be visible, but they can affect the victim for the rest of their lives. Our team of Boston, MA dog bite attorney experts here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates have been nationally recognized for our exceptional work in personal injury cases. Our injury lawyers have strived diligently to help our Commonwealth clients recover millions of dollars in compensation over the past three decades.

Seven children suffered minor injuries after they were bitten by a stray dog, believed to be a pit bull, inside a Charlotte, North Carolina elementary school on Monday, according to local police. According to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police, Animal Care & Control Officers responded to a reported stray dog at the Lansdowne Elementary School in south Charlotte. Police say the dog went onto the school’s playground. While the kids were being taken inside the building, the dog managed to get inside the school. The dog then apparently became overstimulated by several frightened children’s reactions and began to jump and bite them. A teacher was able to control the dog and contacted the owner. Police said the owner of the dog picked it up and left before police arrived at the scene.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a dog attack, please contact one of our Boston, MA dog bite lawyer experts today. Please do not hesitate, someone will be at our Boston, Massachusetts law firm 24/7 and can be reached by phone at 617-787- 3700 or email us at for a free case evaluation where we can assess the value of your Massachusetts dog bite claim. 

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