Family Of Dog Bite Victim Left Wondering About Nevada’s Lack Of Animal Attack Laws.

Because owning a fully domesticated dog has become such a normalized part of today’s society, people often forget that dogs can be just as territorial and aggressive as wild animals if adequately provoked. We expect dogs to play with us, not attack us. So when one does turn its aggression on a human, it can be a traumatic event, particularly for a child. In such a situation, it may be wise to contact an expert dog bite injury attorney at 617-787-3700.

10-year-old Guido Mantilla was having a regular summer day until he was attacked by two of his neighbor’s pit bulls, leaving him severely injured. Mantilla had to spend four days in the hospital receiving medical attention. Although likely contemplating legal action against their neighbors, Mantilla’s parents might be even more concerned with the paucity of laws in Nevada governing animal attacks.

Pet owners can be liable in civil suits, and animal control can give out fines for certain behavior; but beyond this, Nevada does not have specific laws surrounding dog attacks. Moreover, there is a considerably high bar for criminal charges in the case of a dog attack under Nevada law. Mantilla’s parents find this surprising considering how common such attacks are, and believe it is time for a change in the law. They have also come out and said they do not blame the animal for the attack, as that is what pit bulls are essentially trained to do. Guido, in the meantime, has received an outpouring of support from his friends and family, and he believes his recovery is going in the right direction.

If you or a loved one has been injured as the result of a dog bite, you may be entitled to significant monetary relief. Act now and contact one of our expert dog bite attorneys here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to discuss your potential claim. Call our Massachusetts personal injury lawyer specialists today at 617-787-3700 or email us at for your free and private consultation. Your needs are our top priority!

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